Here is the form that needs to be filled out to be considered for Land Grant Membership based on your family heritage.
CdeC-Heirship-Intake-FormHere are the conditions for membership in the Land Grant, as stated in the Bylaws:
A. Qualifications and voter registration
1. A person is a member of the Merced del Cañón de Carnué if s/he meets the by-laws
definition of an heir, is 18 years old or older, and meets the eligibility criteria to vote in land grant elections.
a. By-laws definition of an heir. A person who is a descendant of one of the petitioners of the 1763 Land Grant or one of the 1819 petitioners of the Land Grant and who had one or more ancestors reside within the historic boundaries of the 1819 Land Grant at any time between 1900 and 1930. The Board of Trustees is empowered to establish rules on how to evaluate documentation of inheritance and residence of ancestors.
b. Eligibility to vote in a Land Grant election. Any person who can can demonstrate that s/he has a Land Grant-issued unexpired identification card is eligible to vote. Any person who does not may register to vote by presenting evidence that s/he (1) meets the bylaws definition of an heir; (2) has attended two (2) or more board meetings during the previous twelve (12) months; and (3) is 18 years old or older. Heirs who are disabled or 70 years old or older are exempted from the requirement to attend two board meetings during the previous twelve months.
2. In order to register to vote a person submits evidence of eligibility to vote to a member of the Board of Trustees, who will receive confirmation of voter registration. Only registered voters receive a Land Grant membership card. Voter registration is closed during the fifteen (15) calendar days before any land grant election, or as specified under state law.